On this episode of the Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright talks about why it is important to understand what you are doing.
Everything matters. Every meeting. Every appointment. Every encounter. It all matters.
It is a privilege to be touching lives and impacting people. People move products. Products don't move people.
Everybody must do what they can do. Give people a chance to be around "A" team players. It should not be addition, it should be multiplication. Are you an asset? Do you bring value to the team and to people you work with?
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of the Alliance Activity podcast, Jazmin Lightbourn explains why it is important to do "First Things First" when you want to write $20,000 per month.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
Andy Albright hosted this week’s Alliance Activity podcast live from his office in Burlington, N.C. at The Alliance’s headquarters to talk about how you can motivate the unmotivated.
How to Motivate People
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of the Alliance Activity podcast, Paul and Sam Minichino explain why they are successful because they consistently "Do The Do!"
#TheAlliance #DoTheDO