On this episode of The Alliance Activity Call podcast, Andy Albright talks more about three steps you can take in recruiting that will guarantee success for you. It’s all about recruiting, getting yourself started and helping others get started too.
There are more ways to do something wrong than there are to do it right. Andy recommended the book “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight. It talks about cowards not starting something, the weak quitting and the strong winning big. Knight said his goal in life was to not be a loser. He wanted to find a way to make his life like a game where he was able to play. Clarity comes before winning or losing is decided. Knight says life is a game, and he didn’t want to be left on the sidelines. Knight wanted to play. When Knight reached the height of success, he wished that he could relive the ride he had been on to that point. Knight believes in telling people what to do and letting them surprise you with the results you get. Momentum can overcome problems. Knight didn’t believe in setting a finish line. Beating yourself is a never-ending commitment. Don’t be a person that only wants to beat the competition. Try to outwork yourself.
3 things you have to do
Don’t quit and don’t kind of quit. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.
Find better people that are faithful, available and teachable. Find those who are ready, willing and able.
Plug in!
Get a vision of what could be and what will be. Choose success over being comfortable. Hang around winners not people that just get by. Find a burn inside you to want it bad. Some people don’t know what is available to them so they have no reason to want more. It’s not about having fun toys, but it is about being the best you can be.
What do you want people to say about you? How about in 20 years from now?
Will you do the work? Will you make calls? God will give you the resources, but not the reward. You decide what the reward is based on your effort.
Too many people make things worse. Why do people in pain turn it into suffering? Why do people turn a benefit into a mistake? Why do bored people turn to mischief? Pain will happen but suffering is optional. Staying in pain is selfish.
Why not start with the end in mind? Teach people. Get them hooked on a mission. Get them to know there is something bigger for them.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Paul Roberts gives you the formula for success with The Alliance.
Why it works?
Why I'm here?
Why I know success is coming?
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
#PremiumPointsPolarBears #AlaskanCruise
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright revisits a topic he wrote extensively about in May of 2014 on his blog at www.AndyAlbright.com.
You can read all three blogs on this topic here: https://www.andyalbright.com/gs3-part-3-go-serve/
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, your hosts Mike Lewantowicz and Junior Corria dish about proper mindset and thinking when it comes to being successful in business and life.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo