On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Chris Hill shares his knowledge when it comes to hiring and recruiting.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright focuses on referrals and how to get more of them daily.
Do you want to learn how to get referrals? Andy is about to share some The Alliance’s strategies to get them quickly.
Remember: Premium exists on my referral list. That’s why you get the ERS list! You owe it to them to show it to them! Use the basics: get the check, get referrals, recruit them.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
#N247RU #referrals
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his office in Burlington, N.C. Andy was joined by a special guest Chad Owen, who flew in from Austin, Texas to share his knowledge of annuities and life insurance.
What are you doing today to grow? Are you better today than yesterday? Are you actively helping other people? That’s the way to get what you want. You start helping others. The more people you help, the faster you will get what you want.
When you believe in something bigger than yourself, then you will succeed. When you are working to help people, they have to believe in what you are bringing to the table. It doesn’t matter if they have $100 or $1 million. It’s about helping people.
Failure is the same in public or behind closed doors. You have to do everything possible to win by helping people. To truly win, you must go deep and wide.
About 20 percent of the things you do are effective. The other 80 percent doesn’t matter. We have to learn to procrastinate more and stop doing the stuff that isn’t working. Put things off until later or until you don’t do it ever.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Paul Roberts talks about finishing what you started. There are roughly 90 days left in 2019. Are you going to finish strong?
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo