On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to talk about why success matters to the team.
Success matters. If it didn't, then we wouldn't keep score in pretty much everything we do.
Where do you begin your successful journey?
"Real success requires us to drive into uncertainty. You will never find what you don't know yet, by just looking in places you know." -- unknown
Trust - the path that ensures reliability.
Initiative - the path that accesses effort.
Drive - the path that recognizes opportunity.
Ways to start trusting:
Disconnect from the past (Stop looking for old answers in new places).
Rely on the present (find connection with the moment by learning to ride the waves instead of trying to change the tide).
Expect better from the Future (let go of the attachment to the results of yesterday and start trusting the activity of tomorrow).
Trust: In order to believe in this path, one must be willing to separate their future from their past. This happens when
you stop looking for old answers in new places. When one starts to trust the path they are on, they find reliance in the connection of the present, they are able to disconnect from the Ghost of Christmas Past and they start to expect a better future. By trusting more and pushing back less, you learn to ride the waves instead of trying to change the tide. Letting go of your attachment to the results, frees yourself up to concentrate on the process of trusting your activity.
Ways to Take Initiative:
Be ready to embark (take on ) in new activities (willingness will ignite persistence).
Be able to impel (force) yourself down the path (push will ignite ambition).
Initiative: It is the introductory step or leap of faith to set
things in motion. Initiative, therefore, is your readiness to embark on new ventures. Being ready to take that first step impels your drive to kick in and pushes you further down the path. Initiative serves as the inner power or energy that pushes you toward acting and achieving. It has as much to do with persistence and ambition, and if they are absent, initiative will be absent too. Often, a person has the persistence and ambition to get something done, but will lack the initiative (push and willingness) to take action to begin with.
Ways to Feed Drive:
Acknowledge the urgency of the moment (the critical nature of an action).
Stir the fire in the belly (the physical feelings of excitement).
Drive: It feeds momentum to your discipline, once it understands the magnitude of the moment. Acknowledging
the urgency and critical nature of an action, may awake the drive in an individual, but it will not sustain itself without a need to achieve. People who lack a fire in the belly (physical feeling of excitement), and who need a shot in the arm (improves a person's focus), also lack drive. These individuals, at this juncture, need a swift kick in the ass (tough love) if you truly care about them becoming functional in society.
How should you travel on your journey to success?
"When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the blow that did it, but all that had gone before." -- Jacob Riis
Hope - the vehicle that compels us to take another step.
Persistence - the vehicle that produces the results.
Discipline - the vehicle that trains your intention.
Ways to Ignite Hope:
Start looking forward with desire (what is wanted can be had with a little more effort).
Start believing things can get better (sustains your actions by providing them breath).
Hope: It is the feeling that what is wanted can be had by looking forward with desire. Hope is what tells us that a little more effort will get us there. It keeps us going. But you can't just tell someone to have hope. They must believe that things can get better. This belief sustains our actions by providing them breath.
Ways to Find Persistence:
Sticking to a task regardless of instant progress (most people give up before they see results).
Stop waiting on a miracle (the scales will NOT tip in your favor without work).
Persistence: It says just keep working at it. Without it you are just waiting on a miracle. Therefore, it comes from not giving up and sticking to something regardless of instant progress. That is the tipping point: where is seems like everything you have been doing is in vain, but just a little more effort tips the scales in your favor and results start to come faster and faster. Most people, however, give up before the tipping point.
Ways to Sustain Discipline:
Remain laser focused to build conditioning.
Control your emotions to build determination.
Prioritize your actions to build dedication.
Discipline: It provides you the ability to remain laser focused, to be in control of your emotions, and able to prioritize your actions. Think of discipline as the conditioning behind your success. The more times you repeat the investment of using your determination to build your dedication, eventually you will not have to think about the goal at the end. The powerful conditioning effect of discipline will keep you from falling off your journey's pathway in a vehicle that is now on cruise control.
What fuels your journey to success?
"To fuel ambition and to act upon it is to embrace the unique calling of our souls. Not to act with confidence upon that ambition is to turn our backs on ourselves and on the reason for our existence." -- Steven Pressfield
Confidence - the gas that assures one's certainty.
Ambition - the gas that sparks one's goals.
Routine - the gas that organizes one's behavior.
Ways to Embrace Confidence:
Love the chase (rely)
Stay hungry (remember)
Grab your edge (recapture)
Confidence: It is your ability to embrace the Amateur in your memory. The word amateur comes from the Latin to love what you do. This type of love for the game or chase fuels your confidence, and allows you to see the same old present rut with fresh eyes from a past perspective. This is only accomplished by staying hungry and remembering what it was like to actually be hungry (recapturing your eye of the tiger). You were your strongest when you were struggling. That edge groomed you with a blanket of confidence for a future of challenges.
Ways to Capture Ambition:
Make your goals a target.
Make your target a purpose.
Make your purpose a routine.
Ambition: A goal is the target set by a person, and ambition is a desire to reach that goal. A goal is what it takes to pay your bills, but ambition is why you do the what (the steps). This why (the purpose) keeps you from complaining while pursuing a goal. If your ambitious why is bigger than the what, then you will never grow tired of a routine.
Ways to Accept Routine:
Decide what you want (discipline your passion with priority).
Consistently do the same thing (discipline your time with process).
Routine: This acceptance of a fixed program is the indication of an intelligent person as well as a sign or evidence of ambition existing in that person. The best way to discipline someone's passion or ambition is to discipline their time with routine. Decide what you want or ought to be doing to further forward progress, then always do it consistently the same way and at the same time everyday (mastering the mundane), and passion or ambition will give you no trouble. Therefore, routine must become a process that is never renegotiated and must be treated as a priority.
If you put all this together then you are putting yourself on the right road to find yourself with a full tank of gas that can help you create a success-filled journey with The Alliance.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright shares why the dream matter to the team.
8 Things That Happen When You Finally Decide to Live Your Dreams ...
You'll see "IT" everywhere
Once you commit to living your dreams, the lids blinding your eyes will be lifted. A completely new world will be opened to your view. You will notice opportunities that have been in your reach all along, ones your conscious mind simply didn't pay attention to. "Selective attention" is the process of focusing on a particular object in the environment for a certain period of time. Attention is a limited resource, so selective attention allows us to tune out unimportant details and focus on what matters.
You'll Have Boundless Energy, Fueled By Purpose
"I'm reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose." --Kobe Bryant
After you've crossed the threshold of decision, you will find a new wellspring of energy. You'll no longer need to rely on willpower. Willpower is garbage. It is for amateurs. It's for people still conflicted about what they want to do. Once you've moved beyond WILL and onto WHY, you no longer have to coax yourself into action. The decision has been made. Rather than focusing on defense against further damage, failure or risks, you're now on the offense.
You'll Stop Worrying About -- and Instead Anticipate -- the Future:
"Your future is as bright as your faith." -- Thomas S. Monson
Once you've made your decision to move forward, you have nothing to worry about. You are a magnet for attracting nothing buy brilliance. You're no longer chasing happiness, but rather creating happiness in others. You know success is inevitable, because you're in alignment with who you are and you like that person. You can have happiness in your life as long as you are willing to give up what you hate.
People will Enter your Life to Help You: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." -- Unknown
You will begin attracting the right people in your life when you start doing the work. Also, when you are on a dedicated mission, people will come to your aid to help you make it real. It begins with initiative and openness. Initiative requires you to be bold and openness requires you to remain humble. You will become a beacon of light for others when they witness the boldness in your work ethic, and the humbleness in your leaning in.
Nothing will Seem Impossible to You:
"You need to aim beyond what you are capable of. You need to develop a complete disregard for where your abilities end." -- Paul Arden
Believing something is impossible is arrogant. It was arrogant of people to believe we'd never fly. It was arrogant of people to believe we'd never put man on the moon. It was arrogant of people to believe we wouldn't have satellites in the sky guiding global communication. We don't know what we don't know. Why put a cap on what's possible? Why live in the past??? Anything and everything could happen. And being open to that fact allows you infinitely more options than those who put an invisible barrier on possibility.
Luck/Miracles will Become Commonplace:
"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Similarly, Bruce Springsteen said, "when it comes to luck, you make your own." Dan Sullivan said, "Luck and God favor those with good habits." When you decide to live your dreams, you start to expect radical and amazing stuff to happen. Some will call you lucky. Others will call you blessed. Whatever the case, it's your new normal defined by your work effort. Beyond this point of luck, is the point of no return called freedom. Freedom from triviality and mediocrity. No longer will you be able to engage in gossip or other destructive activities. These things simply will not make sense to you anymore, and complete focus will become your new luck and blessing.
You'll No Longer Fear Success or Wealth:
"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." -- Marianne Williamson
The most crippling and pervasive fear is the fear of success. Fear of success is far more dangerous than fear of failure. People fear success because of low self-esteem and feeling of not deserving it; and because it will increase what others expect of them. Fear of success shows up as: anxiety, indecision, avoidance, procrastination, and acceptance of mediocrity. But once you have a compelling vision, you will stop entertaining these thoughts. You then can start focusing on yourself and realize your success is your right, it is inevitable, and it's essential for accomplishing what you feel inspired to accomplish.
You'll Consistently Do What's Right, Even When It's Not Popular:
"100-percent commitment is easier than 98-percent commitment." -- Clayton Christensen
Most people can eat healthy for one day. Most people can be positive for a few minutes. But when things stop being fun, most people's resolve crumble. Consistency in your activity must become the evidence behind the belief in your dream. Once you justify inconsistent behaviors, you open the door to a lifetime of justifications. Making the exception the rule creates a reason to introduce new and constructive habits which will fuel your dream.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright hosted the show from his home in Treasure Island, Fla.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home office in Treasure Island, Fla. to discuss the importance of activity.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo