Andy Albright hosted this week’s Alliance Activity podcast live from his office in Burlington, N.C. at The Alliance’s headquarters to talk about how you can motivate the unmotivated.
- Everyone is motivated!
- People are motivated to do what they are doing.
- What are you motivated to do?
- Be non-judgmental – the ability to not judge
- Remember I’m not frustrated at them because they are not part of my success.
- People are judgmental when they only have a few people. They are depending on their few peoples success to reach their goals.
- Art of Motivation – the art of leading someone to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.
- You can’t lead someone who doesn’t want to be lead.
- You already do this with people you care about
How to Motivate People
- Avoid negative
- Fears and Threats won’t work long term.
- Most people do not know they are being negative, be a good coach and tell them
- Arrogance + Broke is a bad combination. Stay humble and keep learning
- Focus on staying in the circle of you – what you can control
- Get people to see what they can do in their circumstances – this is motivating
- When you say “If we or If this… I could succeed “ it demotivates people.
- Motivate yourself
- What motivates me?
AA is motivated by “I want the people I respect to respect me, I want my wife and kids to respect me” - If you are a short basketball player don’t talk about being short, talk about who did it, and if they did it being short then I can do it being short.
- When people begin to tell you their circumstances, ask them “Is there something a short basketball player can do that you have not done? Work on shots, footwork, etc”
- Talk about the basics not the circumstances
- If you call yourself a motivator but no one does anything after talking to you then you are not a motivator.
- White sheet
- Write down 10 things that you want in life
- Write them down as if they have already happened
- On the list of 10, what is the one thing that would change your life
- Start working on that
- Better questions to ask. Better your life will be
- Start listing deadlines and steps to get it
- Organize and do something every day to work on it.
- If it is the most influential, then go like a maniac
- Planning brings the future into the present
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo