On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from The Alliance headquarters in Burlington, N.C. to talk about the "Dream Plan."
The question is: how bad do you want it? You have to know what you want before you can get it.
What extremes are you willing to go through? How far will you go? You have to remember that feeling.
What's your reason? Is it freedom? You must be addicted to having a choice.
The Fact Number One is: the average person earns $2.7 million over their lifetime.
* The average person spends $50,000 a year and with an average lifespan of almost 75 years this comes to around $3.7 million.
The Fact Number Two is: the average person lives 27,375 days.
* Take your age and multiply it by 365. Then subtract it from 27,375.
For example: 56 x 365 = 27,375 - 21,170 = 6,205 days left
The Truth is: you do not have plenty of money nor plenty of time.
* Do you base your decisions on the lack of money?
* Do you ignore opportunity due to a lack of time?
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