On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright talks to you about you can creating good habits and break bad habits at the same time.
"If your priority to add a good habit is not bigger than your priority to keep a bad habit, then you will never change the path you are on." --Andy Albright
Moral: Adding a good habit is realized when you can see its reward and ignore the pleasure of a bad habit.
Four Ways to Create a Good Habit:
1). Make it obvious (design your environment. Make the cues of a good habit visible).
Example: Stack previous booked appointments and the issue-paid policies in front of you while you dial.
2). Make it attractive (create a motivation ritual. Do something you enjoy immediately before and after a difficult habit).
Example: Before and after dialing have the first half of your favorite dessert and then finish the other half.
3). Make it easy (Prime the environment. Pair an action you want to do which requires less effort with an action you need to do which is rewarding).
Example: Sit in your most comfortable chair, with your favorite music playing, staring out into your most inspiring view, while making your dials.
4). Make it satisfying (Use a habit tracker. Keep track of your habit streak and don't break the chain).
Example: Turn your habit into a routine by keeping score of your successes and creating a contest with yourself.
Four Ways to Break a Bad Habit:
1). Make it invisible (Reduce exposure. Remove the cues of your bad habit from your environment).
Example: Get rid of the TV in your upstairs bedroom.
2). Make it unattractive (Reframe your mindset. Highlight the benefits of avoiding your bad habit).
Example: More reading and sleeping will occur.
3). Make it difficult (Increase friction. Increase the number of steps between you and your bad habit).
Example: Only keep a TV downstairs in the den.
4). Make it unsatisfying (Create a habit contract. Make the costs of your bad habit painful).
Example: Require a fee to be placed in a jar every time you watch the den TV.
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