Andy Albright delivered a live version of The Alliance's Activity podcast in front of 200 people in Burlington, N.C. during an Instant Thunder event.
Most people don’t like to be told what they are doing wrong. However, many of us make the mistake of trying to correct the behavior of others when we should be focused on our own affairs. No man should ever throw a stone when he lives in a glass house too.
Andy was joined on the call by people in attendance at the event and via phone by some of the emerging leaders of The Alliance to talk about what they want out of life, out of The Alliance and what assets they need to get all that they want.
Negative stuff will mess you up. You have to be focused to keep that stuff from hampering you from being the best you can be. Learn to remain calm and not let anger get the best of you when life throws you a curveball. Keep things as simple as everything. The only thing stopping you is YOU. Nothing is holding you back. You can have anything you want if you are willing to work for it and you don’t quit. The trick is that you only have so long to get what you want so how you go after it makes all the difference in the world.
One way to keep yourself on track is through reading great books. Andy suggested that everybody know the following six books:
Stay focused. Keep working. Help people. Enjoy life. Have fun! Make Money! Make a Difference!