On this episode of the Alliance Activity Call podcast, Andy Albright's message centered around how you can identify your special talents and how you can use 8 things to be discover the talent that will help you get the most out of life.
Everybody has talent, but ability takes work. Michael Jordan was talented, but you can bet he worked harder than almost any other player in basketball.
The poet Longfellow wrote, “The great tragedy of the average man is that he goes to his grave with his music still in him.”
Why struggle for 20 years in a job or situation you don’t love and know it doesn’t work? When you could work for two years in something you love and it matters, you can do far more than working in an area you don’t like for 20 years.
Napoleon Hill wrote that “the key to success is for you to find out what you really love to do, and then find a way to make a great living doing it.”
Most, if not all, millionaires will tell you that they have never worked a day in their life because they found out what they loved to do and they did it more and more.
- You will be happiest and best at something you love to do. If you could afford to do it with no pay, would you do it? If it brings out the best in you, you get satisfaction from it and you enjoy it, why wouldn’t you do that all the time?
- Find your natural, obvious talent and ability and do that. We are here for two reasons: to worship God and to help people. If God is for us then who can be against us? I can do it and you can do it! You can’t win the game if you are not playing the game. Don’t sit in the stands when you should be playing on the field.
- What talent is responsible for most of your success and happiness? What do you enjoy, what brought you the greatest rewards and accolades and what do people know you for?
- What is your great talent? What was easy for you to learn and do? It was something so easy you didn’t even really work hard to learn it, you just started doing it. What was it? What is it?
- What is your talent now? This thing holds your attention. It fascinates you. You think about it, read about it, talk about it, learn about it, and it holds you attention all the time.
- You love to learn about this subject or activity. All your life it has been something you were passionate about. You have a desire to know more about it and excel at it.
- What is something that when you do it, time seems to stand still. Hours are like minutes.
- What is a talent you respect and admire in other people? Who do you know that is good or great at this talent? You admire them because they are so good at it. You want to be as good as them at this talent. People want to be respected by the people they respect. People help people.
These steps are designed to lead you into what you are uniquely put on this Earth for and to do until your time is done.
Here’s the big quest: Do I get to do it versus Do I have to do it? The trap of a poor performer is in not doing what you know you can do. Excellence doesn’t happen immediately. Anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly at first.
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