On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to share one of his 8 Steps to Success: Listen.
Most people think they are great listeners, but the truth is that is not the case. How do we become better at listening?
Step 3: Listen
Quote: "Are you willing to listen with your ears and hear with your heart?" -- Andy Albright
Moral: The world is giving you answers each day. Learn to listen for detail with your micro ears and hear for tone with your macro heart.
4 Micro Listening Reminders:
1. Listen for Main Idea
2. Listen for Key Details
3. Listen for Inferences
4. Listen for Interpretive Meaning
4 Macro Hearing Reminders:
1. Hear with the Intent to Attract
2. Hear with the Intent to Validate
3. Hear with the Intent to Understand
4. Hear with the Intent to Recognize
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright starts a series on the "importance of the 8 Steps," live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla.
Step 1: Personal Use
"Are you willing to be a walking billboard for what you believe?" -- Andy Albright
Moral: Stand behind your belief by allowing your actions to be bigger than your talk. Your personal usage starts with you setting the example.
Three Questions that indicate you are ready to stand behind your talk:
1. Are you willing to learn from your past mistakes in order to make better current choices?
2. Are you using your positive energy to change your current track?
3. Are you firing up future returns with current investments into your financial engine?
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity Call podcast, Andy Albright comes to you live from his home in Treasure Island, Fla. to share three C's to being successful.
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo
On this episode of The Alliance Activity podcast, Andy Albright delivers three questions to help create duplication live from his house in Treasure Island, Fla.
The 3 Questions are:
Do you lead by example?
Are you good at getting people started?
How do you build a culture of speed?
"It doesn't matter what works, it only matters
what duplicates." -- Oliver Burman
Moral: Your role is to get a large number of people to do a few simple things over a long period of time.
Question 1: Do You Lead By Example?
• People copy what others do more than they listen to what they say.
• People are not as likely to conform to a commitment, as they are to follow another's passion for life.
Question 2: Are You Good at Getting People Started?
• Give them reasons to do.
• Give them expectations to hit.
• Give them tools to be successful.
Question 3: How Do You Build a Culture of Speed?
• Build trust and then transfer that trust into activity.
• Combine urgency (causes a need to change out of fear) with compliment (causes a need to do better out of guilt).
"What matters the most is what gets copied." -- Andy Albright
#TheAlliance #DoTheDo